Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Minnesota Digital Library Update

Since late September, the Minnesota Digital Library has uploaded seven more Phase Six collections to Minnesota Reflections.

First-time contributor Bethel University added 150 images to Minnesota Reflections’ collections. The images, which range in vintage from 1920s to the 1970s, depict the physical and cultural development of Bethel University. Specific themes represented in the collection include class pictures, faculty and staff, college athletics, campus scenes, and photographs of historic buildings. Follow the link below to view a 1963 aerial photograph of the tract of land in Arden Hills soon to become Bethel’s new campus:


The Cook County Historical Society, another first-time contributor to Minnesota Reflections, added 165 photographs taken within the era of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in Cook County (1933 – 1941). The images reveal much about CCC life, showing camp exteriors and interiors, images of CCC members fighting forest fires, planting trees and carrying out logging activities. These images provide fascinating insight into the personal side as well as environmental impact of CCC activities in Cook County. Follow the link below to view an artistic photograph of a walking bridge in Cascade State Park (near Lutsen) constructed by the Spruce Creek CCC crews:


The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT), another new MDL contributor based in St. Paul, contributed Minnesota Official State Highway Maps from the early 20th century to the present day to Minnesota Reflections. Follow the link below to see a 1960 highway map:


The Fillmore County Historical society expanded its Minnesota Reflections collection with 125 glass plate negatives representing the work of prominent Fillmore County photographer Mathias Bue. The images span the time period from 1912 to 1935, depicting a diverse array of local scenes including agriculture, architecture, bridges, entertainment, natural disasters, parks, recreation, residents, roads, school events and accident scenes. Follow the link below to see a ca. 1925 photograph of the Preston, Minnesota municipal band:


The Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest, based in Minneapolis, contributed five oral history interviews documenting lived experience in St. Paul’s West Side Flats/ Lower West Side Jewish community from ca. 1900 to 1950. The interviews shed light on Jewish community and family life, early 20th-century gender roles and Jewish-gentile relations. Follow the link below to one of the interviews:


Minnesota Reflections is currently in the midst of its Phase Seven digitization cycle. Do the exciting new projects spearheaded by Bethel University, Cook County Historical Society, Fillmore County Historical Society, MNDOT, and the Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest inspire new projects for your organizations to pursue? Or, are you aware of other historical collections in your region that may be of statewide interest? Do you have any questions about these or any other of Minnesota Reflections’ collections? If so, please contact Minnesota Digital Library Outreach Coordinator Marian Rengel at mrrengel@stcloudstate.edu.

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