Friday, June 10, 2011

Minitex & MnLink Announcement

Bill de John, Minitex Director, has released the following statement regarding Minitex and MnLink with relation to the potential state government shutdown on July 1, 2011.

"The University of Minnesota has announced that it would be able to sustain operations for a period of time that is yet to be determined if a state government shutdown begins on July 1, 2011. Minitex is part of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Libraries and will also sustain operations depending upon the length of the shutdown. We also anticipate that the MnLINK Gateway will continue to be operational. We will continue to provide services and maintain staff during this period, and we are very hopeful that any shutdown will be brief.

However, there may be service interruptions during this period that we can’t predict at this time. We will monitor this situation on a daily and weekly basis. We will try to keep the Minitex Delivery System operational since it delivers needed resources to people and links with many local libraries in the three-state region. We will also plan on continuing to fill requests from the University Libraries and refer requests to other libraries as appropriate. If you have any questions, please let me know. We will continue to communicate with Minitex participating library staff through these communication channels and other means as appropriate during the coming weeks."
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