Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WebJunction Minnesota Changes Announced

The WebJunction Minnesota Team wants to let you know in advance that there are some enhancements coming for users of WebJunction (WJ) and WebJunction Minnesota (WJMN). You should have received an email from WebJunction that provides information about these changes, but we want to highlight some of the enhancements you will see in WJMN.

Beginning July 1, 2011:

Courses: WJMN members will be able to enroll in unlimited courses without charge. 300+ courses available anytime, selected for relevance to libraries, Simplified course enrollment process – all course prices set to $0. If you are already enrolled in a course, you will continue to have access to the course for 12 months from the date you enrolled. Courses will continue to be available in our state because Minnesota State Library Services (our state library agency) is a WebJunction partner. Courses will no longer be sold to those who are not affiliated with a WJ partner state library agency. If you are affiliated with WJMN, you’re covered! If you received this message via the WJMN listserv, then you’re already affiliated with WJMN. When you login to WJMN now, courses on our state-branded page, http://mn.webjunction.org/catalog, are available at no charge. That will continue. The Course tab will remain, but the course listing will be invisible to members until that member is logged in to WJMN. There is a general catalog with courses available for a fee to anyone. That page will be removed by July 1.

Webinars: WJMN members will receive advance registration notices for WJ webinars and attendance certificates that may qualify for continuing education credit. All members of the WJ communitywill continue to enjoy the free online webinar programming that WJ offers each month. WebJunction is adjusting its business model to provide enhanced benefits to states that participate in the WebJunction Community Partner program. Because Minnesota State Library Services and Minitex collaborate to provide WebJunction Minnesota, our library community will benefit from these changes. WJ and WJMN still work to “be the place where the library profession gathers to build the knowledge, skills, and support we need to power relevant, vibrant libraries.” Watch for details to come!

Mary Ann Van Cura, State Library Services
Cecelia Boone, Minitex

Affiliation with WebJunction Minnesota is free and available to members of the Minnesota library community. Tell your colleagues!

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