Friday, October 28, 2011

MLA Conference Report #10

From Linda Rau of Duluth Public Library:

Libraries at the Front Lines of Workforce Recovery
Presenters: Chad Lubbers, Washington County Library
Jennifer Peterson, Community Manager, WebJunction

Jennifer explained the program that has been developed by WebJunction to help libraries serve patrons who are unemployed and looking for jobs. She cited a couple of websites where webinars can be watched at no cost to train Minnesota library staff. WebJunction provides tools for libraries to understand basic needs of job seekers.

Chad Lubbers talked about Washington County Library’s program and stressed that collaboration and partnership with businesses and agencies made their program successful. Their target audience was job seekers and people who want to start small businesses. They also developed a program that provided legal resources for people who were going into foreclosure on their homes.

Engagement through Games: Reaching Library Users through Playful Ways Presenter: Dr. Scott Nicholson

Scott explained how games can be used to connect people across generations & cultures and create shared experiences. He talked about games that are free or do not cost a lot of money for libraries. Games at libraries can attract people who are not currently users.

E-books: What’s All the Excitement About?

Presenters: Rita Baladad, Melissa Gray, Brian Kraft, Michele McGraw, Amy Springer

This session on E-Books was very interesting as it included discussion on e-books in both public and academic libraries. This is still a new format to most libraries, and how it will fit into the collection, and how statistics will be collected is still a topic for discussion. Most of the talk centered on Overdrive.

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